Bylaws of DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter
DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Three of the Articles of Incorporation. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidates for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposed of this corporation.
Upon dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of the Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter is a not-for-profit, vendor-independent, professional organization dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information resource management (IRM) and/or data resource management (DRM).
DAMA's primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge as key enterprise assets.
DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter is dedicated to furthering the understanding of the field of data management and information resource management by providing educational opportunities and supporting an open forum addressing issues related to this field.
DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter recognizes affiliation with the DAMA International organization; and supports the DAMA International mission, goals and bylaws.
- help IRM/DRM practitioners become more knowledgeable and skilled in IRM/DRM professions
- influence the industry and academia in IRM/DRM practices
- support DAMA members and their organizations
- form alliances with other organizations with similar principles
- provide a forum for exchange of information, problems, ideas, experiences, resources and questions
- sponsor conferences, workshops and special interest groups to further the purpose of the chapter
- provide a central repository for information relevant to the chapter’s mission
Board of Directors
The board of directors shall consist of the elected officers of the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter.
The board of directors shall make all organizational decisions not delegated to the membership, and shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations and the protection of the assets of the local chapter organization.
- ensure compliance of the local chapter with its responsibilities to DAMA International
- preside at official business meetings of the local chapter, and provide general leadership and direction
- appoint committee/SIG chairpersons other than those already established
- represent the local chapter at all associated functions, including those of DAMA International
- is a signatory to financial accounts established on behalf of the chapter
- assist all officers in the performance of their responsibilities
- Restricted to those members whom have served as a DAMA Indiana board member previously.
Vice President Administration
- ensure accurate and up-to-date membership lists are maintained for the local chapter
- process and record new applications for membership to the local chapter
- establish, advertise, monitor, record and report on all local chapter elections
- chair the Nominating Committee of the local chapter as it creates and brings forth each slate of officers for the local chapter membership
- is a signatory to financial accounts established on behalf of the chapter
Vice President Programs
- schedule and facilitate all chapter meetings, including securing meeting facility and all logistics thereto, engaging speakers, notifying membership, and planning for the educational component
- schedule and facilitate special workshops or symposia that meet member needs
- conduct membership surveys to clarify member interests
- provide leadership for all workshops and discussion groups
Vice President Finance
- record all financial transactions in accordance with prudent fiscal procedures
- collect all appropriate dues and fees
- produce periodic balance sheets and income statements, as appropriate
- handle all legal matters that relate to the financial health of the local chapter, i.e., tax-exempt status and other pertinent matters
- is a signatory to financial accounts established on behalf of the chapter
Vice President Communications
- record, publish and appropriately distribute meeting minutes
- appropriately handle local chapter correspondence, including correspondence from and information requests from DAMA International
- ensure all material published about the local chapter is accurate and reflects the local chapter’s affiliation with DAMA International
- receive, record and bring forward all requested modifications to the local chapter charter and bylaws, and appropriately confer with DAMA International regarding same
- retain and maintain all local chapter documents in accordance with prudent archival procedures
Vice President Online Content
- design and construct chapter website, with appropriate ties to DAMA International site
- solicit material from the board for the chapter website
- keep online presence up to date and accurate
Vice President Education
- responsible for promotion of publications (such as the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK)) and certification programs (such as Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP™);
- coordinating training activities with educational institutions (e.g. universities, professional training organizations, etc.) to promote both; and
- providing support DAMA Indiana Members wanting to participate in the certification program or renew annual certifications.
- preferred recipient of an active certification (i.e., CDMP); otherwise, agrees to attain the certification within the year (prior to the next chapter board elections.
Information on Positions
Length of term for all elected DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter offices shall be one year. All local chapter officers are elected as individuals. To be eligible for local chapter office, an individual must be an individual member of the local chapter or an employee of a corporate member of the local chapter. In the event that a current office-holder becomes unable or ineligible to complete the term of his or her office, a 90-day grace period shall be established during which time the office-holder shall re-establish his or her ability/eligibility to complete the term of office or shall be required to resign the local chapter office.
Upon the resignation of any local chapter officer, a special election shall be conducted at the next following meeting of the local chapter, said election conducted by the Vice President Administration of the local chapter. Should it be that the Vice President Administration position is the one that is vacated, the president of the local chapter shall conduct said election. Should a special election be required, the term of office for the incoming office-holder now filling the vacated position shall coincide with the already-established term of office for that position. Individuals elected through special election shall assume office immediately following said special election.
DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter officer elections shall occur at the fall meeting, with the term of office running from January thru December of the following year.
To be eligible for membership in the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter, an individual shall have an active interest in data management concepts, products or technology, either as a user or a potential user. All memberships are subject to acceptance by the local chapter board of directors.
Each dues-paying member shall be classified by business type, i.e., industry, educational institution, vendor or consultant, and by sponsorship status, i.e., individual or corporate membership. The local chapter board of directors shall designate all classifications.
There will be three classifications of membership — individual, corporate. and student.
Membership Classifications
* Individual Person - individual membership in the local chapter with that individual person, regardless of employment.
* Company, a corporation, or a major division of a corporation or an educational institution may obtain a corporate membership in the local chapter.
* Student – an individual with valid student identification from an educational institution.
A corporate membership shall enable employees associated with the member corporation the benefits provided by the local chapter. Each corporate member shall identify a primary representative as contact for communication and invoicing with the local chapter.
Formal voting for the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter shall include voting for officers, charter, bylaws, amendments and all other formal votes requiring ballot. Each individual registered as an individual membership in the local chapter shall receive one ballot. Each corporation registered as a corporate membership in the local chapter shall receive 3 ballots and shall have the discretion to distribute said ballots appropriately.
The election of the chapter’s officers will occur at the Fall chapter meeting. The Vice President Administration or his/her designee shall receive all ballots prior to the close of voting. Ballots can be mailed or hand-delivered.
Informal voting includes voting for all other local chapter matters, where it is determined that a vote is required. Informal voting shall occur during local chapter meetings by voice or show of hands. Alternatively, voting is permitted online via the DAMA Indiana Members restricted site.
To ensure high-quality presentations, the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter shall charge annual membership fees or dues. These fees are used primarily to obtain noted guest speakers, to cover DAMA International affiliation fees, and to cover rental of facilities and refreshments, as appropriate. The costs associated with special functions, i.e., workshops and symposia, shall be recovered separately through registration fees for those specific events.
The membership fee is based on membership type and is denoted in Schedule A. The membership type and fee structure can be changed by approval of the local chapter board of directors. Any membership fee changes approved will be effective for the next year.
The membership year shall begin at the time the dues are paid as tracked by the local chapter. Any memberships accepted after June 30th shall be valid for the remainder of that year, as well as the next full calendar year. Memberships established prior to June 30th will be valid until the end of that calendar year. All memberships will renew based on membership payment date (no longer specific to a calendar year.)
Nonmembers attending local chapter meetings shall pay a fee for each local chapter meeting attended after the first. The first meeting is free and any subsequent fees charged can be applied towards membership.
Local chapter meeting fees for members are at the discretion of the local chapter board of directors.
DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter shall convene a minimum of three times per year.
Meeting notifications shall be distributed in a timely fashion to the membership, and shall include information on fees, time, date, location and topic. Maps shall be included, if appropriate.
When possible and to minimize costs, meetings shall be held at member locations. The board of directors shall retain the right to rent appropriate meeting facilities when required.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern business meetings conducted during the proceedings of a local chapter meeting.
The Vice President Programs is responsible for the format of each DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter meeting. Said officer is responsible for acquiring high-quality speakers in compliance with member-described topics of interest. Although not required, said officer is encouraged to engage nationally known or internationally known speakers several times during the membership year.
Charter or Bylaws Amendments
The Vice President Administration or his/her designee shall receive in writing all requests for amendments to the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter charter or bylaws. The board of directors shall review each request and shall retain the right to determine the immediacy or urgency of each request.
When a bylaws amendment request is determined by the board of directors to be urgent, said request shall be presented to the membership at the earliest convenient time and voted on during the annual business meeting.
When a bylaws amendment request is determined by the board of directors to be non-urgent, said request should be presented to the membership during the annual business meeting.
Canons of Conduct
For DAMA International to best achieve its goals and objectives and fulfill its purpose, the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter shall adopt the following Canons of Conduct. Said Canons shall govern the conduct of all DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter members, member representatives, attendees and guests. All persons that become connected with DAMA International and DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter shall, during the conduct of business with these organizations:
- conduct themselves and their activities in a professional manner marked by integrity and the spirit of fair play
- refrain from engaging in any activity that violates the proprietary rights of their employer, DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter, DAMA International, or any other organization or person
- abide by the bylaws and policies of DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter and by the bylaws and policies of DAMA International
- properly register and certify membership in good standing for DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter activities
- refrain from engaging in any sales activity, including direct or indirect solicitations, or conduct any other activity contrary to the purposes or policies of DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter and DAMA International
- refrain from distributing any materials or posting any displays at activities sponsored by DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter or DAMA International without the expressed written approval of the appropriate organization’s board of directors
- refrain from engaging in any personnel recruitment at or using the resources of DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter or DAMA International
- refrain from using the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter or DAMA International name or logo other than in the conduct of what is determined by the board of directors to be DAMA International business
- refrain from using the DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter and DAMA International membership lists or any part thereto without the expressed written approval of the appropriate organization’s board of directors
- refrain from recording in any way the proceedings of any DAMA International DAMA Indiana, Inc. Chapter or DAMA International meeting, workshop, symposium or other sponsored event without the expressed written approval of the appropriate organization’s board of directors and the speakers